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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx AMADEusCluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

AMADEus Seminar - Monday 29 June 2015, 2:00 pm - ICMCB (Amphi) - Dr. Chérif Balde & Pr. Alfred J. Crosby -

le lundi 29 juin 2015 à 14h
Dernière mise à jour jeudi 18 juin 2015
AMADEus Seminar - Monday 29 June 2015, 2:00 pm - ICMCB (Amphi) - Dr. Chérif Balde & Pr. Alfred J. Crosby  -

Dr. Chérif BALDE

Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor, Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique des Matériaux (LCPM)  Ziguinchor- Sénégal

From molecule to molecular electronics devices


The seminar begins with a brief description of the principle of molecular spin state switching in a simple and accessible language. The use of molecule or molecular assemblies for information processing as well as their potential for practical applications, e.g., as switching devices and sensors will be presented as the most appealing objectives in molecular chemistry.The effects of light irradiation (LIESST) as well as the dynamics of the high-spin-low-spin relaxation will be discussed in detail. It will present the photo-switching dynamics of a spin crossover material by combining time-resolved optical and X-ray diffraction techniques as a new way of manipulating matter with light from hours or days to ultrafast time-scale (100 fs).


Prof. Alfred J. CROSBY

Polymer Science & Engineering Department

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Polymer-Nanoparticle Mesostructures and Their Mechanics


A critical challenge exists in the ability to transform advanced materials components synthesized at the nanoscale into robust macroscale structures, while maintaining the advantageous attributes of the original nanoscale constituents.  In nature, this challenge is addressed through the assembly of nanoscale building blocks, e.g. proteins, into mesocale structures, e.g. fibrils, helices, and sheets, which subsequently assemble into structures with enhanced properties and functions. Taking inspiration from these ubiquitous principles that promote scalability in nature, we are developing processes to assemble synthetically tailored nanoscale building blocks into robust mesoscale structures, including fibrils, helices, and sheets. These transformation processes take advantage of the balance between surface energy and elasticity, leading to a robust, geometric approach for secondary structure formation.  We have initiated a thorough study of the mechanics of these structures, which offer promise in applications ranging from flexible electronics to advanced coatings.  Overall, these stories will provide insight into how we think as a group and learn from nature, without losing focus on the importance of fundamental materials principles and engineering design. 

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