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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx AMADEusCluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

Course of Prof. Hany Aziz from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Introduction to Organic Optoelectronics

Location : ICMCB, Pessac

May - June 2012

Dernière mise à jour mardi 12 juin 2012
Course of Prof. Hany Aziz from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

The course gives a general introduction to organic optoelectronic materials and devices; both light-emitting (OLEDs), and light-harvesting (organic solar cells and photodetectors). The course starts with a brief introduction to OLEDs as a general platform for defining key aspects in organic optoelectronic devices. Aspects of material and device physics related to the operation and performance of these devices, such as; electronic structure of organic molecules (unit 2), key photophysical processes in organic molecules (unit 3); and exciton processes in organic solids (unit 4), are covered. Finally, an overview of organic light harvesting device is provided (unit 5)


May 29, 2012: 2-5 pm

01. Introduction to OLEDs
02. Electronic Structure of Organic Molecules

June 4, 2012: 2-5 pm

03. Photophysics of Organic Molecules

June 11, 2012: 2-5 pm

04. Excitonic Processes in Organic Solids

June 20, 2012: 2-5 pm

05. Organic Light Harvesting devices

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